With generous contributions from Calgary Arts Development and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, the Arab Canadian Theatre - Kawalease ACT had a great start by a professional production of the play “Interrogation”, which is the first show in Arabic with English subtitles, telling the story of unrequited love.
The second show in the tube is called “Struggles”, and hopefully will be produced the following season.
Before its inception, Kawalease ACT had produced a very successful immersive theatre show, named “The Opposite” inviting the audience to be part of a play imagining war taking place in Canada and thus Canadians had to apply for asylum to Syria.

Written By Bassem Hafez
Directed By Sleman Aldib
Written By Bassem Hafez
Directed By Sleman Aldib
Interrogation is a play about unrequited love between both humans and between a human and his country. The theme of alienation, coupled with the problem of defining “home,” is recurring throughout the story of a Canadian fearing a desired visit to where he came from.